Mother! (2017)

Mother! (2017)

A Review in Film - 18/09/2017

Dir: Darren Aronofsky

Spoiler free

When I heard Darren Aronofsky was making a movie called ‘mother!’, I shuddered and immediately assumed he was remaking/borrowing scenes and ideas from another Asian movie, Mother because he likes to do that. Thankfully not. Instead he gives us a movie written and directed by his good self, one that left me scratching my head with the simple question, ‘why the hell did I sit through that garbage?’

This is just one of those vanilla movies where the director decided to add lots of bullshit religious undercurrents taking viewers thoughts onto different tides from one another so each person tries to slap on their own pseudo intellectual nonsense to claim they’ve deciphered the riddle of the film. Adam and Eve, God, Mary seem to be the general idea of mother! but it just was just a mess and more of a showreel for Jennifer Lawrence, who actually knocked it out of the park with her acting skills.

mother! has moviegoers and critics divided (at the time of writing); the general public (me) disliked the movie saying that the third act and ending is a load of pretentious shite that seemed tacked on to an otherwise passable ‘thriller’. Then you have the critics who are getting massively wet over the film calling it a masterpiece and lambasting those who don’t get the ending because the next dickhead critic says how amazing it is and how they understood the movie, so critic A wants to be seen as ‘getting it’ like critic B and therefore looking credible.
Like one reviewer has said, ‘The world is lucky to have Mother! I am lucky to have witnessed it.’ Really? Whose dick are you trying to suck with that bullshit?  The movie was nothing more than a half-baked attempt at trying to be clever and artistic. Following an actress around a house on a long-ass lens making the background blur at speed while you keep locked on isn’t something to behold, it’s slightly nauseating, just like the people blowing Aronofsky for this reel of blandness just because of the weight his name holds.

But I do thank Aronofsky for introducing me to the works of Satoshi Kon. Cheers pal.


One critic has said, 'The world is lucky to have Mother! I am lucky to have witnessed it.' Really? Whose dick are you trying to suck with that bullshit?